Nixie Tube Clock

I really enjoyed learning about a niche bit of historical technology to build something I use every day

JScraper, a combination of a Python program using Selenium to scrape Jeopardy questions from and a JavaScript program to test your trivia skills

Arduino Shield PCBs

I’ve developed PCB design fundamentals by recreating all the projects in the Arduino Starter kit as Arduino Shields and am looking forward to using those skills in future projects

Automatic Diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Utilized +15k images of blood cells to classify Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

Compared the performance of 3 common neural network architectures (AlexNet, ResNet50, VGG16) with the same hyperparameters.

Achieved maximum classification accuracy of 85% without hyperparameter fine-tuning. Future work for this project would be to fine tune the hyperparameters of a chosen network to maximize performance.

Top row: cells labeled lymphoma. Bottom row: cells labeled normal

Top row: cells labeled lymphoma. Bottom row: cells labeled normal

DIY Geiger Counter Kit

It was incredibly fun to learn about how Geiger counters work and to refresh my soldering skills

Final Capstone Project

My team and I designed a wearable device to articulate a person’s fingers through physiotherapy motions to aid in post tendon surgery physiotherapy


Medical Image Processing Using Machine Learning

The final lab of my Medical Image Processing course was to utilize supervised and unsupervised learning to classify the textures in the image seen to the right using a k-means clustering algorithm.

Repairing an Original Xbox was a challenge in reverse engineering and makes a great birthday present


Biomechanical Design 2020

My team designed a walker attachment for St. Joseph’s Health Care Centre Guelph that stabilizes a walker when residents try to stand from chairs by pulling on the walker. Using VICON data, the design was verified by tracking the angular deviation of the back bar of the walker with and without the attachment. It is our hope that the patients at St. Joseph’s will be able to make good use of the device when the COVID-19 pandemic is over.


Bioinstrumentation Design 2019

My team and I showcasing a wearable device that tracks the heart rate and acceleration of geriatric individuals to track their stress responses. The final device was able to communicate in real time using WiFi with the nurse’s station in a long-term care home.


3D Printed Kinder Egg Toy

We designed and 3D printed a wind-up camper van to fit inside of a jumbo Kinder Egg that was capable of carrying the egg it fits in across a table, a feat that no other group could accomplish.

Relevant Courses


Medical Image Processing

Utilized the Image Processing Toolkit in MATLAB to optimally filter images, segment images, register images, and classify textures using Machine Learning


Biomedical Signal Processing

Obtained and investigated Electromyogram, Electroencephalogram, Electrocardiogram, Photoplethysmogram, and Electroneurogram signals. Processed by filtering and detected peaks to identify key signal events and artifacts


Engineering Biomechanics

Utilized VICON Motion Capture, Electromyograms, Electrogoniometers, and a Force Plate to obtain and study the biomechanics of human motion. Designed and investigated my own experiment on the fatigue in arm muscles due to rock climbing using Electromyograms and VICON Motion Capture and presented findings in a technical report

Medical Imaging Modalities

Investigated and learned about X-Ray, CT, Ultrasound, MRI, Nuclear Medicine, PET, and SPECT imaging using a DeskCAT system to obtain a solid foundation of what Medical Imaging is and how to obtain images